Obama Maasai


I imagined him a Maasai Warrior going back to his father’s Kenyan roots and draped him in American colors to signify his role as the U.S. President. The background and center ornament is the Adrinka West African symbol of power (bravery & strength) called ‘okodee mmowere’.



Getting by


In many ways this painting reminds me of my life. It’s my caption of a rainy day on Bush street. A street I walk by almost every day. It like my life because I realize that no matter what gets thrown at me, I get by. When it rains , it pours , but I pull out that umbrella and just keep on going. People come….. People go….. Bridges burnt….. Bridges built….. The only constant thing is that no matter what , I try my best to get by because God gives me strength.


Experience Culture Through Portraiture

Inspired by the Themes of the African Diaspora, my portraits go beyond what meets the ordinary eye by allowing my subjects to experience a culture they may have originally been a part of. I explore human origins by experimenting with adornment and tribal embellishments from several regions. I paint with a palette knife, deliberately creating texture which evokes the emotions of an unspoken account.
